An email alias is actually an email that shares a mailbox with a totally different email. For instance, you could have as well as and messages sent to both of them will be received in one mailbox. This feature will make it a lot easier and more convenient to handle multiple e-mail addresses since you will need to log in one mailbox if you work with webmail or set up one single e-mail address in an email application on your desktop. If you set up an alias, you will not only be able to receive emails, but you'll also be able to send out messages from the different addresses and they'll share the Outbox, so you'll still have all communication in one location. Implementing aliases is an alternative to working with different email addresses for a variety of purposes or forwarding one e-mail address to a different one in order to handle the emails of both in a single place.
E-mail Aliases in Hosting
Setting up an alias for every mailbox is really easy for people with a hosting package with us. This can be done in the Emails part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to manage the web hosting accounts and it takes just a few mouse clicks. It is easy to add or delete many aliases at any time and save precious time when you take care of the messages for a few emails which you use - for example, numerous divisions inside a company or different areas of a website. If you get messages from a lot of email addresses in just a single email address, but different people must have a copy of specific messages, you can combine the aliases with e-mail forwarding and/or mail filters, which can also be set up through Hepsia.
E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which comes with each and every semi-dedicated server plan we provide, will allow you to set up aliases for each active mailbox in the account with just a few mouse clicks. It is easy to add or delete as many aliases as you need any time. This way, you're able to have a different email for various areas of the exact same site or even for unique web sites under one organization and still have your electronic correspondence handily in one place. This will also make it easier for multiple individuals to keep tabs on what is going on. When necessary, you can make use of our mail forwarding option as well, therefore if an e-mail message is sent to an alias, it is also sent to a different genuine mailbox.